Formation universitaire en Parodontologie accréditée par l'EFP (3 ans) Devenir spécialiste en Parodontologie
The Department of Periodontology and Oral Surgery is a training center in periodontology and implant dentistry with a well-established tradition of welcoming postgraduate students. The post-graduate program in Periodontology and Implant dentistry of the University of Liège is designed for students graduated in Dental Medicine who want to pursue a career in Periodontics and Oral Implants dentistry. It is a 3-year full time program (4 years for EU students) accredited by the European Federation of Periodontology providing the students the opportunity to develop periodontics knowledge’s by intensive clinical activity and extensive learning in periodontology.
Recognized as a center of excellence in the fields of periodontology, implantology and oral-dental surgery, the Department of Periodontology, Oral and Implantsurgery of the University of Liège offers state-of-the-art, high quality treatments to maintain and restore the oral-dental health. Under the aegis of a team of highly qualified and competent professional senior periodontists, postgraduate students can rely on experience and knowledge to train them withall facets of the organization of a specialist periodontal practice and to give the opportunity to take part in all practice activities. Following the EFP quality standards, the postgraduate students are supervised by a senior periodontist for patient treatments.
Detailed program is available here. This brochure has to be updated following Prof. Rompen's departure from the Department and Prof. Lambert's arriving, but all infos are mainly up-to-date.
We accept Belgian and EU students (graduated from European Economic Area UE + Norway, Island and Liechtenstein or Switzerland). There is no automatic EU-wide recognition of academic diplomas. Candidates may therefore need to go through a national procedure to get academic degree or diploma recognized in Belgium. Current local regulations exclude international students.
All together there is 6 postgraduates running the program. The candidates are equally distributed in the 3 years (2/years). Two students are accepted each year.
The admission requirements are the following:
Admissions for 2025-2026 are unfortunately closed. Admissions for enrollement Fall 2026 are open (cycle 2026-2029).
Deadline for sending applications is 31 May 2025 in order for the selected candidate to have enough time to complete his vocational training before starting the program. For international student, be successful in this interview ensure his spot in the Master in Periodontology. If you are interested in applying to start the Master in 2025-2026, you will have to submit your application before May 30st 2024 even if you havent still received the recognition of your diploma. The Jury will however check if you started this administrative process of course. An oral interview is schedule after the reception of all required documents.
The fees are around 800 EUR per year. International students don’t get paid during the curriculum.
For more information and applications, please contact Marine Robert, academic coordinator of the program
La formation est accréditée par la Fédération Européenne de Parodontologie (EFP) et est un Master de 3 ans temps plein.
Elle offre la possibilité de développer des connaissances et un savoir-faire approfondis en parodontologie tout en pratiquant une activité clinique intensive associée à un enseignement théorique multidisciplinaire. Le programme est divisé en 3 parties : le traitement des patients, l’apprentissage théorique et la recherche scientifique.
Le programme complet et détaillé est disponible ici ; la brochure subit actuellement une mise à jour suite au départ du Prof. Rompen et de la restructuration de notre Service mais les informations majeures s’y trouvent.
Documents à fournir :
Le Master est ouvert aux candidats diplômés d'une Université belge, ainsi qu'aux candidats diplômés au sein d'un pays issu de l'Union Européenne. La loi n'autorise pas les titulaires d'un diplôme de dentiste obtenu dans un pays hors Union européenne à pratiquer sur le territoire belge. Ils ne peuvent dès lors pas être admis au Master de Spécialisation.
Le Jury, après avoir reçu ces documents requis, organise une interview orale, où il est demandé au candidat d’analyser des articles issus de la littérature scientifique avant d’exposer ses motivations à intégrer le Master et de décrire son parcours. Pour les étudiants internationaux, l’interview d'admission permettra au candidat sélectionné de lui garantir sa place définitivement au sein du Master en Parodontologie.
Les demandes d’admission doivent être adressées au Coordinateur du Programme, le Pr. France LAMBERT ( Pour tout renseignement complémentaire, contactez Marine Robert, coordinatrice de la formation (
Site de l’Université de Liège :
Brochure complète du programme